Friday, October 3, 2008

Ray's House

The Poem Ray's House began as a comic
about a guy named Bill
in one of my sketchbooks.
I couldn't get the last line for a while.
At first the poem centered on a play on the phrase
"bridge of the nose" as well as "just for a lark".
I decided that it was much more of a complete idea
about friendship if the lark was living in a home
on Ray's Nose, not just perching on a
little "bridge to nowhere".

The Poem:

Ray built a house on his nose.
Just for a lark I suppose.
The lark is content there.
It even pays rent there,
and shovels the stoop when it snows.


Marco Carillo said...

I am really fan of your work!!!
This book is already?

Calef Brown said...

thanks marco. yes, this book (flamingos on the roof)came out in '06.